What is my problem

I just moved to live in a place where clouds are impossibly beautiful. Almost all the time when it doesn't rain.
After a time of suffering in silence, taking photos, uploading them to Picasa etc, today I decided: these clouds deserve a blog.
Ok if you are not interested, very well, leave a comment explaining why you don't like clouds. What have you got against them.
If you like it, then all the same, leave a comment explaining why you love them. We can open a fan club of the clouds all if we gather more cloud lovers together.
If it doesn't bother you at all - well, neither it does me.
Here are the first clouds.

PS: I don't do Photoshop, because my back hurts.

2 comentarios:

  1. I love these clouds just because I miss them very much. I'm in a place with no clouds this time of the year and with temperatures over 40 Celsius... So I just love them...

  2. Thanks a lot, we'll keep catching them for you :)
